Fanart February days 1 & 2!
My drawing theme this month is Sailormoon ladies. Every day I’m painting a little ode to a different character from the show to try to spotlight through art some of the aspects of them that interest me so much. I’ve also been itching to play with limited/monochromatic color palette paintings so I figured why not, let’s go for it this month!
Day 1: Starting off
with Usagi about to cheerfully boomerang someone in the face. Her first attack is still my favorite and I love that for such a clumsy character she got this one hand eye coordination skill that she genuinely seemed to take pride in.
Day 2:
Once I sketched out Usagi in her stock attack pose that set me on a path of using the senshi’s attack poses as the basis of each composition (I’m a completist that way!) I
wanted Sailor Mercury to look analytical and serious business and I think I succeeded. Had way
more fun than I thought painting in the bubble fog!