Rose City Comic Con 2017
We’re a month out so now’s a good time to remind folks that I’ll be at Rose City Comic Con in Portland from September 8-10! I’ll be located at table A-03 in the Artist Alley. I’m excited to visit the northwest again and share a whole new fleet of tiny paintings and zines with you guys 🙂
New this fall:
- Teamaids artbook volume 2
- KAIJULY zine
- Missing Monday sketchbook zine
- lots and lots of tiny paintings! So many tiny paintings!
I’ll also have copies of my other 2017 zines (30 days of Scribble, Owltober, and Moleskine March) as well as copies of Erstwhile 3 and oodles of cute shark and mermaid postcards.
As is my con routine, I will be taking a limited number of tiny painting commissions at the con. Folks interested in reserving a spot in advance can shoot me a line over email (cozyfire @ gmail) and we can make arrangements 🙂
Hope to see some of you guys there!