Category: drawn from lifePage 2 of 9

Gallery Girls 8/3/23

Highlights from this week’s Gallery Girls! I loved this model’s proportions, she was fun practice πŸ™‚

Narrative Gestures 7/23/23

Highlights from the latest @narrativegesturesseattle ! The paint washed ones are really eye catching but I’m getting really proud of my quick pen gestures! The ones in red…

Figure Drawing Club 6/26/23

Highlights from last weekend’s @figuredrawingclub ! These were so fun, I like the flow a lot of them a lot

Narrative Gestures 6/11/23

Highlights from last week’s @narrativegesturesseattle session! I had a lot of favorites ☺️

Gallery Girls 6/15/23

ighlights from @gallerygirlsla this week! @lifedrawingduo were fantastic, I loved their chemistry in these poses!

Narrative Gestures: 5/27/23

Highlights from the May 27 session of @narrativegesturesseattle ! Proudest of the painted studies at the back and the red drawings at the front (practice with sketching in…

Narrative Gestures 5/13/23

Highlights from @narrativegesturesseattle! Lots of experimenting with ink and wash this time around πŸ™‚

Figure Drawing Club 5/7/23

Highlights from the latest Figure Drawing Club :3

Narrative Gestures: 4/22/23

Highlights from the most recent @narrativegesturesseattle session!

Narrative Gestures 4/8/23

Highlights from the most recent @narrativegesturesseattle zoom session! Playing around with watercolor washes on the longer poses has been yielding really interesting results

Figure Drawing Club 3/23

Highlights from last Figure Drawing Club session! I’m pleased, I really got a good sense of flow going with some of these 😁

Narrative Gestures 3/25/23

Highlights from last session of @narrativegesturesseattle !

Narrative Gestures 3/11/23

Highlights from last week’s @narrativegesturesseattle session! First slide is one of my favorites I’ve drawn I’m a long while. I’m pleased with the sense of volume and weight…

Narrative Gestures 3/4/23

Highlights from the most recent session of @narrativegesturesseattle ! I’m really happy with how expressive the long poses turned out πŸ˜€

Narrative Gestures 2/25/23

Highlights from the most recent @narrativegesturesseattle session! Really feeling good about the two longest poses this week (image 1 & 2)

Figure Drawing Club 2/26/23

Highlights from the most recent session of @figuredrawingclub ! I felt like I was super struggling at the time, but I really dig how these turned out? Just…