Category: Uncategorized

Narrative Gestures 12/20/24 – from October recording

Jumping back into lifedrawing with some recorded sessions from @narrativegesturesseattle ! I feel like it took me an hour just to scrape the rust off after taking such…

Tiny Mermaids: 4, 5, 6

More chibi versions of my mermay mermaids! The one lounging on her back delights me. – patreon | kofi shop

Tiny Mermaids: 1, 2, 3

After Mermay I found myself wanting to revisit some of my mermaid designs and make them feel less like pinups and more like possible characters. The actual drawings…

SMLGBTQ Week 7: Zoisite

Last day of @smlgbtqweek is artist’s choice, so Zoisite it is! Thank you anime for making him one of the best characters, you were a champ for that.

Tiny Painting: Trapinch

Trapinch! One of my favorite boys. How do you not love a pair of chompers with legs? – patreon | kofi shop | etsy shop

March of the Animals: Part 3

March of the Animals Part 3! I had no idea how much delight I would get out of putting party accessories on random critters all month long but…

Sun Boyfriends

A companion piece to the Star Girlfriends đŸ™‚ If the ladies were smooching in the dark of night I wanted a pair of sweet boys to be smooching…

Tiny Painting: Sleepy Sandman

Sleepy Dream. There there, buddy, you can go back to sleep for another hundred years, it’ll be okay. Silly little doodle after watching Sandman last summer ahaha