I keep meaning to and forgetting to post this. For Christmas this year (along with an amazing PTFC No Pity scarf, which may actually make an appearance in Mako’s unboxing story), @kviri and @frozencapybara gave me this incredible watercolour picture of a gloriously intense little Rei in front of her fire.
But the story that came with it made it all the more special. I may have the con wrong, but I think they said they got this at ECCC. They were walking through Artist Alley and spotted it and were “okay so you know who needs this immediately.” Now being meatspace friends, they use my actual name pretty much exclusively, so there’s no specific indication of who they’re talking about that needs this picture. Still, the discussion of Rei Love was so exacting, that the artist was apparently “ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT JET WOLF?!”
So of course then they figured I had to have it EVEN MORE, and they were entirely correct. I love the story, I love the picture and I, of course, love Rei Hino.
Thank you for doing such an amazing job with her, @elleskinner! When I find the perfect frame (for she should have nothing less), I’ll love having her out where I can enjoy her all the time.
Ah! I’m so glad tiny Rei reached you! She was the last in a set of tiny senshi painted with their elements and clearly she was waiting to go to the right home.
(The story your friends told you is completely true by the way. I remember them coming by my table at Rose City and as they were talking about their friend who was The Biggest Rei Hino Fan EVER and how much would she appreciate the tiny intense face of this Rei painting I started to wonder, golly, what are the odds that their friend runs a blog…?
Was so delighted when I guessed right!)
Also thank you for scanning her for me! I rarely get a chance to scan my tiny originals and it’s really nice to have a record of them when I can 🙂