I did a daily drawing exercise in May where each day of the month I painted fanart of a different magical girl. I saved Sailormoon until later in my magical girl month so I didn’t get tempted to paint ALL the girls before doing fanart for another series :3 As it is I ended up limiting myself to just the outer senshi because I love them dearly and often end up skipping them to draw the main 5.
I made sure to include the talismans & weapons for each of the girls to make the set feel more unified. Haruka and Michiru are of course flirting down there, as they do (and if you can’t tell, that kind of character interaction is my favorite to do with my mini portraits :3), but I also really like Saturn’s startled-and-haunted expression quite a bit. The colors in Pluto also turned out so vibrant, I’m really pleased with each of them.