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Avian August 2023! Drawing a different bird every day in August based on the prompt list by meesh 🙂 I thought I’d take a chill time this year…
And now the finale of bird art week! The prompt was round birds and gosh, if that isn’t lighting a bat signal with my name on it. My…
Day 6 of Bird Art Week is “Island Birds” Shown here is the majestic kakapo, a peak no thoughts head empty of a bird. I love them, they’re…
Day 5 of Bird Art Week is “Birds of Prey”. Great horned owl, because I am me and my love of owls is what got me into birding…
Day 4 of bird art week was “Paddling Around” aka duck themed 🙂 I chose to paint the green winged teal – they’re a local bird and their…
The prompt for day 3 of bird art week was female birds. I chose a cardinal because I think the muted colors of a lady cardinal are really…
Second Day of Bird Art Week! The prompt for today was “Bird Ornaments” and this pigeon is all too happy to show off his favorites
Cornell Birds is hosting a bird art week hashtag on twitter so twist my arm I guess I have to jump in 🙂 Today’s prompt is “Tis the…
Happy Animal Sweater Sunday! It’s Valentine’s so why not some lovebirds for this week 🙂
Birdtober days 29-31 Featured birds are starling, turtledove, and black bird.
Birdtober 25-28! Birds featured are grosbeak, dark eyed junco, muscovy duck, and swallow.
Birdtober 21-24 Featuring cherry headed conure, stellar jay, guinea fowl, and mot mot
Birdtober 17-20 Featuring canyon wren, northern flicker, green jay, and cassowary 🙂
Birdtober 2020: 13-16 Featured birds are vulture, weaver bird, black crowned night heron (another favorite), and painted bunting