February Flowers 7&8: Stevonnie and Centipeedle (Steven Universe) Stevonnie with little daisies in their hair. I haven’t drawn them before so it was a fun challenge translating the…
February Flowers 05 & 06: Ivy (original) & Dilophosaurus (Jurassic Park) Ivy on the left with some Lily of the Valley because they have a beautiful bell shape…
February Flowers 03-04: Smiski (Smiski) & Clever Girl (Jurassic Park) Smiski wearing a flower crown. Because I just discovered Smiski and yes it’s a tiny glow in the…
February flowers days 01-02: Homura Akemi and Madoka Kaname (Puella Magi Madoka Magica) Daily drawings return! My theme this month is “flowers” so every day I’ll be doing…
December Fanart 31: Katerina Donlan from Gunnerkrigg Court by @gunnerkrigg Kat, queen of numbers and science and being adorable. In the robot mythology of the comic she’s seen…
December Fanart 30: Balzac from Sfeer Theory by @chirart and @thelastdogfighter The adjunct professor himself, looking somewhat unimpressed. Probably for the best given how he acts when someone…
December Fanart 29: Cage from Until The Last Dog Dies by @misterloki Shapeshifter turned reluctant prize fighter to support his family. I don’t know what happened to his…
December Fanart 28: Siobhan Teterya from Riverside Extras by @riverside-extras Brand new gang enforcer for the Roses is ready to get down to business. Or perhaps she already…
December Fanart 27: Hayes from Hustle Cat by @mineraloid​, @lolpups​, and the folks at @datenighto​ Painfully shy barista nerd was, of course, my favorite character in this game…