December Fanart 25: Anna from Behind the Moon, Beyond the Rain by @cloverfirefly Anna is such a sweet character, I’m rooting for her and Gail :3 I pictured…
December Fanart 23: Elsa Su-Ranga from Full Circle by the @fullcirclecomic team! I’m a sucker for well-handled sibling relationships in stories so I adore the relationship between Elsa…
December Fanart 22: Dee from The Thief’s Tale by @redgoldsparks Our favorite thief nabbing a few delicious baked goods for the road! I tried to aim for a…
December Fanart 21: Jordan from Agents of the Realm by @agentsoftherealm Bashful lovestruck child you are my favorite. Everyone in this comic is a delight but I relate…
December Fanart 19: Dorothy Keener from Dumbing of Age by @dumbingofage You’re not the mom-friend, Dorothy. You’re just… really really well organized beyond your years. And possibly more…
December Fanart 18: Lia/Princess Love Pon and Hunnie from Princess Love Pon by Shauna J. Grant Lia is such a sweetheart, I love how genuinely excited she is…
December Fanart 17: Sulla Pinksy from O Human Star by @bluedelliquanti Things have gotten pretty intense for Sulla lately, I just want to give her such a hug!
December Fanart 16: Greta from the Tea Dragon Society by @strangelykatie Greta and the lost little jasmine dragon making friends 🙂 I… desperately want a little dragon that…
December Fanart 15: Mura from the Nameless City by @faitherinhicks Stoic lady bodyguard loyal to the prince of an invading nation, be still my heart *-*I am so…
December 14 Fanart: Vincent Bellingham from the Lonely Vincent Bellingham by @dimisfit ! Vincent, adorable cinnamon roll that he is, looking a little anxious over something. I’m so…
December 13 Fanart: Phobia from Gastrophobia by @gastrophobia Barbarian warrior from ye olde ancient greece or anachronistic dainty shoujo maiden? Eh, Phobia’s pretty sure she can be both…
December Fanart 12: Georgie from Balderdash! by @googtown Apprentice baker Georgie and her non-magical bread-sons! She has an uphill road to learn how to bake the hard way…
December Fanart 11: Rosemary from the visual novel Rose of Winter by @magnoliapearl 😀 The friendly young knight herself reaching out and offering a hand to whichever handsome…
December Fanart 10: Azria from Hen & Chick by @backthatelfup Azria sitting on her home shores, eager for her adventure to begin 🙂 The magical world building in…