Daily Palette 28: Grey girl with red coffee I’ve grown really fond of fluttery open cardigans so I drew a little redhead wearing one 🙂 Generally I tried…
Daily Palette 25: Mermaid with a fluffy scarf Hands down one of my other favorites of the daily palette challenge. This was another where I colored first inked…
Daily Palette 24: Fall Nymph in a ripple shawl This was the daily palette for Thanksgiving and nothing says Thanksgiving like a topless sprite with a gourd 😉…
Daily Palette 23: Nymph in a leaf pattern shawl. Because I like drawing nymphs and sprites and foresty folk 🙂 First time inking and coloring in a moleskine…
Daily Palette 21: Squirrel This little fella has the most dapper of baby blue sweaters on. I’m also quite pleased with how his little face turned out. I…
Daily Palette 20: Girl in pinstripes More experimenting with coloring first, inking later. The knitwear is a little subtle in this one but it’s the black vest 🙂…
Daily Palette 16! Retro girl in an acrylic knit… vest… dress… thing. I looked through some truly heinous vintage knitting patterns to get inspired for this 😉
Daily Palette 15 Tortoise in a wooly hat. I got inspired by a google image search that accidentally showed me pictures of tortoises in knitwear, which was not…