Fancember 2016 Round-Up: 31 Days of Fanart For my December daily drawing project I decided I would paint fanart for some of the amazing indie games, books, and…
December Fanart 31: Katerina Donlan from Gunnerkrigg Court by @gunnerkrigg Kat, queen of numbers and science and being adorable. In the robot mythology of the comic she’s seen…
December Fanart 30: Balzac from Sfeer Theory by @chirart and @thelastdogfighter The adjunct professor himself, looking somewhat unimpressed. Probably for the best given how he acts when someone…
December Fanart 29: Cage from Until The Last Dog Dies by @misterloki Shapeshifter turned reluctant prize fighter to support his family. I don’t know what happened to his…
December Fanart 28: Siobhan Teterya from Riverside Extras by @riverside-extras Brand new gang enforcer for the Roses is ready to get down to business. Or perhaps she already…
December Fanart 27: Hayes from Hustle Cat by @mineraloid, @lolpups, and the folks at @datenighto Painfully shy barista nerd was, of course, my favorite character in this game…
December Fanart 26: Abbie from M.F.K. by @nilaffle A teenage girl with a dangerous secret and a thousand yard stare. Abbie is such a good character and I’m…
December Fanart 25: Anna from Behind the Moon, Beyond the Rain by @cloverfirefly Anna is such a sweet character, I’m rooting for her and Gail :3 I pictured…
December Fanart 23: Elsa Su-Ranga from Full Circle by the @fullcirclecomic team! I’m a sucker for well-handled sibling relationships in stories so I adore the relationship between Elsa…
December Fanart 22: Dee from The Thief’s Tale by @redgoldsparks Our favorite thief nabbing a few delicious baked goods for the road! I tried to aim for a…
December Fanart 21: Jordan from Agents of the Realm by @agentsoftherealm Bashful lovestruck child you are my favorite. Everyone in this comic is a delight but I relate…
December Fanart 19: Dorothy Keener from Dumbing of Age by @dumbingofage You’re not the mom-friend, Dorothy. You’re just… really really well organized beyond your years. And possibly more…
December Fanart 18: Lia/Princess Love Pon and Hunnie from Princess Love Pon by Shauna J. Grant Lia is such a sweetheart, I love how genuinely excited she is…
December Fanart 17: Sulla Pinksy from O Human Star by @bluedelliquanti Things have gotten pretty intense for Sulla lately, I just want to give her such a hug!