Tag: fate: andur
I recently tripped over a really old meme and decided to use it for warm-up sketches, as y’do. Featured character is my shy little fighter-healer kiddo from our…
They had an episode of Top Model this past season where all the models had to pose with dogs, and I swear some of the likenesses between model…
Grumpy Kat in a tacky holiday sweater for cloverfirefly because I’m a bit delayed finishing up the gift art train 🙂 Merry belated Christmas! (Belated holiday sweater just…
Decided to ink and color one of my September Sketches while I was taking a break from penciling comics. Left to right they’re: Thirteen/megomobat’s character, Yuu/cjjoughin’s character, Remi/mine,…
And the September Sketch finale! Tabletop characters wearing matching shirts because these shirts do actually exist and if we had a team uniform they would definitely be a…
September Sketch day 24: Remi from the tabletop game and his parent/mentor, Alder. I love character contrasts if you can’t tell.
September Sketch for today! Last night was some vintage characters, so tonight’s is two characters from the new tabletop game. Remi getting patched up by Seb, who is…
September sketch day 4: Chibis of the RPG group. We’re a ragtag band but I’m fond of us. From left to right, there’s Thirteen, Yuu, Remi, and Katya.
Day 3 of September Sketch: megomobat’s character from the new RPG plus bird friend. Because it is our goal to get Thirteen a bird friend before the end…