Highlights from the May 27 session of @narrativegesturesseattle ! Proudest of the painted studies at the back and the red drawings at the front (practice with sketching in…
Highlights from the most recent @narrativegesturesseattle zoom session! Playing around with watercolor washes on the longer poses has been yielding really interesting results
Highlights from last week’s @narrativegesturesseattle session! First slide is one of my favorites I’ve drawn I’m a long while. I’m pleased with the sense of volume and weight…
Highlights from the 2/11 session of @narrativegesturesseattle with @shawnaartmodel ! Front slide is one of my favorite drawings in forever, I love how it turned out 🙂
Highlights from last night’s @narrativegesturesseattle with @shawnaartmodel & @peterclarke05 ! I had to miss the long poses but the 3s and 5s are some of my favorites this…