Some of my favorite tiny versions of my mermay mermaids: angelfish, koifish, and (jazz hands) the dusky batfish! These tiny ladies brought me so much joy to paint….
After Mermay I found myself wanting to revisit some of my mermaid designs and make them feel less like pinups and more like possible characters. The actual drawings…
Mermay Day 31: Mandarin Dragonet Fish The month of mermaid prompts went out with a doozy with this fish patterned like a late 60’s album cover. I genuinely…
Mermay 29: Flame Hawkfish I got inspired by reference photos of this fish delivering the most IMPECCABLE cut eye. “I must paint her” I said. “She is my…
Mermay Day 27: Long Spine Squirrelfish Discovering this fish was a gift, thank you mermay list for introducing me to it. There was something about the combination of…
Mermay 23: Dusky Batfish (juvenile) Trying my hand at a truly wild looking fish with this one! She is giving me scifi space opera fish girl energy and…
Day 19 of Mermay: Lemon Angelfish A lot of the fish in this prompt list have some really inspiring color combinations! Bright yellow and blue accents look so…
Day 15 of Mermay: Green Bird Nose Wrasse These fish have such wonderful old man faces. If she looks over it then I have channeled my inspiration well!…
Mermay Day 13: Green Chromis These are such lovely iridescent fish, I had fun trying to capture that tone without using my pearlescent paints (those are sadly trapped…
Day 11 of Mermay: Colisa Lalia I got real abstract with my interpretation of the fish body here. Stripes? Contrast? That’ll work. Really love her as a character,…