Tag: pokemonPage 1 of 4

Tiny Paintings: Chikorita, Dusknoir, Umbreon

Tiny pokemon commissions from Rose City 🧡 – patreon | kofi shop

Tiny Pokemon: Bellsprout & Golisopod

Tiny Bellsprout and Golisopod! The rationale here being “their colors are a good match, let’s paint ’em” – patreon | kofi shop

Tiny Painting: Trapinch

Trapinch! One of my favorite boys. How do you not love a pair of chompers with legs? – patreon | kofi shop | etsy shop

Tiny Paintings: Hoppip and Torchic from Memory

More tiniest of tiny paintings featuring some truly little guys. Doodled on a plane without reference a little while back. I feel like I got pretty close, at…