Tag: pokemonPage 4 of 4

Spotlight Hour: Stunky & Paras

Stunkey and Paras for the past two Spotlight Hour challenges πŸ™‚

Spotlight hour: Sudowoodo

Teeny Sudowoodo painting for tonight’s spotlight hour challenge πŸ™‚

Pokemon from Memory – Referenced

For fun I thought I might do warm up paintings of the same set of pokemon I drew from memory but this time with reference :3 These turned…

Pokemon from Memory

Pokemon painted from memory, as suggested by twitter! Booster side effects hit me hard so I drew these in a daze on the couch. I had a blast…

Tiny Paintings: Centiskorch

Thank you to @SmilingGrouch for reminding me that Centiskorch deserves more love

Tiny Con Paintings: Pumpkaboo

Happy FanartFriday! Please enjoy this extra tiny Pumpkaboo

Beyond the Darkest Day

My piece for the Beyond the Darkest Day pokemon zine! I picked Bea for my subject since she’s my favorite trainer (I love her design ;_;) and I…

Pokemon: Bea

Been playing Pokemon a lot lately to de-stress. Bea is my favorite gym leader so far!

Playing Pokemon 2

Hourly comics day will be more than a pokemon adventure, I swear

Playing Pokemon

Dipping my toe into the world of journal comics again with Baby’s First Pokemon comics


Played a pokemon for the very first time last night! MY VERY FIRST CATCH WAS AN OWL FRIEND, I’M SO EXCITED. BEST GIRL.

Tiny Paintings: Cubone & Bulbasaur

Two more good Pokemon friends for Fanart Friday πŸ˜€

Tiny Paintings: Detective Pikachu

Happy #FanartFriday! I enjoyed this movie way more than I can justify XD

Detective Pikachu Sketches

Get hype for Friday, friends