Final sharks for sharktember! I emerge victorious! Greenland shark, lantern shark, and pizza delivery shark 😀 Lantern shark turned out so ethereal with those colors and that style,…
Sharktember Day 25-27 Tiger shark (and yarn), carpet shark, and whale shark (or card shark, if you prefer XD). I painted these guys with my full watercolor kit…
Sharktember Days 6-9! A collection of more paintings from the shark a day challenge I’m doing this month 😀 Dismayed cellphone shark, sharks on a plane, boba shark,…
Sharktember Days 2-5! Rounding up some of the sharks from my first week of paint-a-shark-a-day we have headache shark, nurse shark, zinefest shark, and bookworm leopard print shark….
And the September Sketch finale! Tabletop characters wearing matching shirts because these shirts do actually exist and if we had a team uniform they would definitely be a…
September Sketch day 23! Startled Tuesday! I’m not sure what she’s startled at, but I do dig that outfit. Usually I drop the pencils off in Photoshop but…
September sketch days 18 and 19. Revisiting another super ancient character concept (like this piece here) because apparently I like to recycle character ideas until they find their…
Catching up on posting for September sketch now that I’m back to my scanner again 🙂 Monday for day 16, Foyle for day 17. Just playing around with…
September sketch for today. Revisiting a really old character concept and updating it for a new setting. The result is not QUITE what I want but she’s pretty…