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Online Comics:Missing MondayErstwhile Tales
© 2025 Elle's Art.
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Theme by Anders Norén.
Day 27: two sharks in a trenchcoat Day 28: popcorn
Day 25: rocket ship Day 26: comet
Day 23: toucan Day 24: bananas
Day 19: mailbox Day 20: mail carrier
Day 17: microphone Day 18: left shark
Day 15: vacuum Day 16: toothbrush
Day 13: bowling pins Day 14: bowling ball
Day 11: lamp Day 12: chair
Day 9: fire hydrant Day 10: dog
Day 7: unicorn Day 8: lollipop
Day 5: clown Day 6: hot dog
Day 3: watering can Day 4: houseplant
Happy Sharktember 2021! Every day this month I’ll paint a shark and post them in this thread for everyone’s enjoyment! Topic this year is “sharks in disguise” Day…
Day 4 of #sharktober: astronaut shark!
Bonus day of #sharktember! I wanted a round number of sharks for reasons so I added a sunflower leopard shark and a phosphorescent fungi lantern shark