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Online Comics:Missing MondayErstwhile Tales
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TinySpiritober is only a 30 day challenge so that’s it for me! Thanks for following along with me!
Day 29: shack & Day 30: cottage
Day 27: tomb & Day 28: grave
Day 26 is hands down my favorite of the whole set. Tiny ghost having the best day at the beach!
Day 23: spruce & Day 24: ghost hugging a tiny worry stone
Day 21: forest & Day 22: willow
Day 19: shrubbery & Day 20: stream
Day 17: greenhouse & Day 18: bucket
Day 15: garden & Day 16: flower
Day 13: hat & Day 14: fireplace
Day 11: shoes & Day 12: ring
Day 9: lock & Day 10: basement
Day 7: bottle & Day 8: lantern
Happy Inktober first! This year I’ll be participating in a challenge I found on Instagram called “tinyspiritober” Each day this month I’ll be drawing a wee little ghostie…