I spotted this goofy instagram prompt list and thought it might be a fun excuse to do some little warm-up fountain pen doodles using my favorites!

I didn’t draw ALL the prompts but the ones I did sparked a lot of joy XD

4. Knife Cat
7. Possum King
2. Raccoon with Bad Intent
1. Skulls, Snakes, & Knives

9. Turtle with a Backpack
10. Garfield from Memory
11. Silly Goose
13. Drunk Possum

15. Crustacean Vacation
14. Country Western Critter
18. Skull Cat
19. Capybara

20. Cat riding a chicken
21. Pig with too many or not enough legs
22. Calico Critter sona
23. Criminal Weasel

25. Skunk eatin’ a pepper
28. Pill bug
27. Pick a Cryptid
30. Unholy Goat
31. A bat. Any kind of bat.