Tag: fairytalesPage 1 of 2

Folktale Week 2020: 7

Mirliflor despaired when the 12 princesses disappeared, until the second fairy returned with Rosanella in tow. She had all the grace and charm of the 12 princesses combined…

Folktale Week:

The second fairy, well. That is why our princess Rosanella was kidnapped and replaced with 12 duplicates, each more fetching than the last. A pickle, for indecisive prince…

Folktale Week: 3

The 1st fairy vowed to raise a prince that no one could make constant. She took over rearing the baby prince Mirliflor and raised him to be as…

Folktale Week: 4

Ah, but I get ahead of myself. Once upon a time the queen of the fairies died and the throne was empty. Two fairies set a contest. Winner…

Folktale Week 2020: 2

Day 2 of #folktaleweek2020 was Ritual A flock of bees carries the doppleganger princesses off

Folktale Week 2020: 1

Are y’all ready for #folktaleweek2020? Trying my hand at the fairytale “Rosanella” this year, we’ll see if I can hit all the prompts 🙂 Day 1: Birth

Folktale Week: 7

Last one! Day 7 of #folktaleweek2018 : Brother and Sister for the Animal prompt

Fairy Tale Week: 6

Day 6 of #folktaleweek2018: Snow White and Rose Red for the “mirror” prompt

Folktale Week: 4

Day 4 of #folktaleweek2018 is the ghostly white bird that visits Cinderella at her mother’s grave

Folktale Week: 3

Day 3 of #folktaleweek2018 is the seawitch from the Little Mermaid fairytale. She’s inspired by a combo of a frilled shark and an eel

Folktale Week: 2

Day 2 of #folktaleweek2018 for the prompt “magic”. Was thinking of every fairytale heroine gifted with a tiny trunk full of wonders

Same Prompt Party – Cinderella AU

My submission for @docholligay’s Haruka & Michiru/Cinderella same prompt party! I had this image in my head that Cinder Haruka might arrive at the ball and belatedly realize…

Tiny Painting: Twelve Huntsmen

Wee painting of some of the Huntsmen from my adaptation of the 12 Huntsmen! I tried to get as much of the squad in there as I could…

Jane Doe

Watercolor illustration of Jane, the main character from theadaptation of Brother & Sister that I did for the Erstwhile anthology. Sequel piece to the Svetla and Allerleirauh paintings…

Erstwhile Leading Ladies: 3

Erstwhile Leading Ladies: Part 3 Last in a three part illustration series that I did last year tocommemorate the Erstwhile series ending. Like the previous two pieces, all…


Watercolor illustration of Svetla, the main character from my adaptation of the Singing Springing Lark for the Erstwhile anthology. Been looking at some of my favorite mid 90s…